Some pink rain lilies in full bloom.

Established clump of Habranthus robustus
Established clump of Habranthus robustus

Can I grow bulbs from seeds? Yes. Well, some but not all.  Can I grow one of my favorite pink rain lilies from seed? Yes!  And quickly…

Habranthus robustus planted under trees with filtered sun
Habranthus robustus planted under trees with filtered sun

Yesterday I was in North Dallas at a 125-year-old Victorian home, and I was surprised to see an already bloomed pink rain lily (Habranthus robustus).  I thought, “Wow, we’re in April and it’s already bloomed. That seems early.”  Then, last night I saw a question posted on social media asking us what do with the seeds after they have bloomed, and the question was accompanied with a picture.  That rain lily must have bloomed weeks ago to already be making seeds. It also was a Habranthus robustus.

Pink rain lilies making seed pods.
Pink rain lilies making seed pods

I’ve always espoused the bountiful blooming natures of this Argentinian native, but for some reason I’m always surprised when they start blooming so early in the spring and carry on into the summer.  You can read more about them at our website where we sale either a 4″ pot for $5 or a 1 gallon pot of a slightly different selection called Habranthus ‘Russell Manning.‘ After these bloom, they produce black papery seeds. What do you do with the seeds?

Text conversation about flowers
Text conversation about flowers

You can grow a blooming sized bulb for H. robustus from seed to bulb within one year.  There are a couple ways to do this, but first, let me explain what happens after these flowers bloom. You will see a fat seed pot start to swell up where the bloom once was.  Soon, you will think it is going to burst open it looks so big.  Then it will start to yellow a little and “ripen.” Soon, it will split and inside are hundreds of papery black seeds that can scatter to the wind.  You can let them scatter, or you can clip those seed pods off and shake the seeds into a paper sack for future planting.

Seeds about to release on a Habranthus robustus pink rain lily.
Seeds about to release on a Habranthus robustus pink rain lily.
  1. If you really want to ensure success, grab some fresh potting soil from the store and fill a small pot. Make sure you moisten the soil ahead of time (but not soaking wet).  Scratch the seeds in all over the surface of the soil, giving them a little space between each other but not much.  You need them to be right at the surface and not too deep, but don’t leave them overexposed to the sun. If you have some fine sand, you can sprinkle a light topping of sand over the seeds. That will keep them in place.  Keep moist with a spray bottle or water gently every few days or so and keep them in a half shady spot.  They will sprout before you know it! Once established, you can plant them in a half shady summer spot or move them to more direct sunlight. They do appreciate some water during our hot summer months.
  2. If you don’t want to take the time to sow the seed in pots, you can do what I often do in my own garden. After a long day of work, and I’m holding a child in one arm, I will pinch the seed pod off with my finger. I’ll use my boot scratch open some dirt close my bordering monkey grass, around my herbs, or under the protective leaf of a crinum.  Then, one handed I’ll bend down and shake the pod so the seeds fall loose and scatter into the soil. Then I’ll use my foot to scratch the dirt haphazardly back over the seeds. Some are overexposed, others are not. Some will survive, others will not. I don’t care. I’ve enjoyed my garden and I’ve given my favorite rain lily a fighting chance to fill my garden with it’s wonderful blush pink blooms!

Let me end on a note about other spring blooming bulbs that are wrapping up this time of year.  Some hybrids will appear to make seed pods, and nothing will ever happen. That is the nature of hybrid plants. However, some species bulbs WILL produce seed, like snowflakes (Leucjoum aestivum) and species tulips.  While you can grow these seeds into blooming sized bulbs, the process takes 2-3 years.  You can plant the seeds now and follow many of the same rules above. However, expect them to sprout in concert with their parent bulbs as they show foliage in winter/early spring and go dormant with dying foliage in late spring early summer.  If you can get those seeds to sprout the first year, you will have a baby bulb by the end of the next spring, and you’ll have a high chance of success of it turning into a blooming sized bulb in a couple more years.

Hope this helps! E-mail us at or call 888-285-2486 if you have any more questions or would like to order!

4-inch pots ready to ship.
4-inch pots ready to ship.

8 Responses

  1. My rain lilies are blooming now, and forming seeds. They look like this same variety, but it certainly isn’t Spring and in fact has been one of the hottest summers we have had in Memphis. Could they be a different variety, and if so, can I assume that the seeds can be handled the same way. If I get them to sprout, Should I put the new plants in the ground this fall for keep them in the greenhouse over the winter?????

    1. Hi Nancy! Our Habranthus robustus pink rain lilies are blooming here again in Tyler as well. That is a beautiful thing about them…they will bloom all summer long. In fact, a long dry spell followed by a rain is often a good trigger for them to bloom. I would leave the seedlings outside in the garden, but if you have a greenhouse, they will thrive over the winter if you grow them in a nice potting medium. Then you can plant the fully formed bulbs wherever you desire after that.

  2. I’ve had seedlings started in water of hardy amaryllis transplanted about 3 month s and growing all summer in pots, could they be transplanted now into garden? (hardy amaryllis)
    Also, seedlings of Habranthus started in water and transplanted into pots about 6 weeks ago; green tops about 4″-5″ tall. Could they be transplanted before winter or should I try to over winter both the amaryllis and rain lilies?

    1. Hi Lynn!

      I think the answer is….it depends. Zone 8 or warmer and I think you are ok transplanting them now and letting them overwinter. Unless, of course, we had the winter we did this last year. Zone 7 or colder and I might keep them in a sunny warm indoors spot over the winter and put out at the same time you put your tomatoes out in late spring. Hope that helps!

  3. I have saved my rain lily seeds for a few weeks and now want to plant them, zone 9 outside in a flat or pot. Central Florida. I can keep them in screened pool area or outside in semi shaded grassy area. Can they compete with lawn grass? Or should I just put the pots under semi shaded areas by established plants?

    1. Hi Cindy! They would do best in pots, but I have them compete with grass. However, usually I’ve seen them competing well with grass that hasn’t been taken care of (not watered, patchy, etc). I think they’d have a hard time competing with a well watered St. Augustine lawn. They should germinate pretty quickly for you in pots. Hope that helps!

  4. I’ve had two types that grow wild on my property in Texas. I transferred a few of the white flowering ones and few yellow flowering ones to a pot on my porch and they are doing spectacular. Each have gone to seed, and I’ve placed the seeds in the pot as well where they’ve sprouted. This year, I’ve done the same with the seeds from the flowers again and I have a pot full of seedlings from last years seeding. They’ve been easy to care for and the parent bulbs have put up many more shoots than they did last year. I can’t wait for the seedlings to get to flowering size (which should be next year for the earlier ones that I planted).

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