Is It Too Late to Plant My Bulbs?
When to Plant Flower Bulbs Summary: Depends on where you live, but if you have bulbs that are supposed to be perennials in your climate,
When to Plant Flower Bulbs Summary: Depends on where you live, but if you have bulbs that are supposed to be perennials in your climate,
Question: “Hi Michael, I went to a family reunion in the country and old church. Well, the dark pink crinum lily was blooming, and some
Question: “Last Spring I purchased rwo “Naked Lady” lily bulbs and planted them according to instructions. They never came up…. – Robert” Reply: Robert, Thanks
Question: “I had written Linda… about an iris…and she was able to find this lovely light purple iris as well, one which I know was
Question: “Hello Michael, Could you tell me when the best time would be to plant my iris bulbs here in Oklahoma City. We have been
Question: “Is it ok to plant crinums in only sand and let the roots grow into a second medium to help them from being waterlogged during
Question: “Hi there! I thought you might enjoy seeing my great-grandmother’s Regina Crinum beds. We separated some a few years ago and replanted new beds
Question: “I purchased a number of the bulbs Chris brought with him when he spoke to our Knoxville Garden Club in May. . . .
Question: “Will the red spider lillies trive in Silver Spring MD – zone 6. i have found varying information on what ranges it can live
Question: “How long does a Crinum blossom last? Mine Opened yesterday and are very wilted today. Will it bloom again?” – Carolyn in East Texas